Sunday, March 11, 2007


The approach to the Ngorongoro Crater is quite dramatic. The trucks climb up to the rim, there was some paperwork to do in order to enter the Ngorongoro Park and then we descended into the crater. No animals were visible until we were right into the Crater. The Crater is huge, 16 km across and there are a lot of animals, all of them wonderful and exotic, I was delighted to see the zebras, lionesses, elephants, rhino and happy to leave it at that. But, one afternoon there was a lot of chatter on the radio in the truck, the driver announced there was a male lion, a "simba" in swahili over by some rocks, we made double time to get over there. I wasn't ready to see this animal, he was absolutely gorgeous, in his prime, no scars and regal in his bearing. He owned this place, he knew he had no equal.

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